Saturday, October 18, 2014

Where Do I Begin...

     I sat down over two hours ago to begin my first blogging adventure.  Now, I know how my students feel sometimes when I ask them to write.  I am a 4th grade teacher and with that comes the state writing test every single year.  The mode of writing for 4th grade is personal narrative, and they need to be able to produce a solid piece of writing to a given prompt in two, forty minute sessions.  How hard can that be?  Well, now I remember!  I have spent the past two hours just trying to come up with a catchy blog address and spiffy title.  It's a good thing I didn't have to stick to the 40 minute guideline.  I would not have passed at the state level.

     Two hours later (weak transition?), with the help of my husband (he will never admit it) I sit here finally writing my first blog.  I wanted my address and title to include my name in a catchy manner, hook my readers, scream I am a teacher, include my techie passion, be motivational and inspirational, and you get the gist.  The kindergarten teacher (was one for many years) in me wanted it to rhyme, "queenkeeneblogspot", the fourth grade teacher in me wanted something like "writingisempoweringblogspot", and with recently earning the privilege of being a 1:1 iPad classroom I wanted it to be something like "gogreenkeeneteamblogspot", you know, meaning we use less paper and save trees.   According to the writing rubric (really my husband's laughter and sometimes silence) all my ideas didn't sound much like winning addresses or titles.

     After much research of educational quotes, rhyming word books, "How to Name a Blog" websites, frustration, and much laughter it happened.  I realized I just needed to "Keep Calm and Reflect On", and the words would come to me.

     I am glad that I sat down with my computer and the Huskers tonight to begin this adventure.  It was a win/win!  There is no better way for me to become a better writing teacher than to reflect and write.  The Husker win wasn't too shabby either.  A big shout out to my hubby for making writing my first blog so much fun.

Side note:  My students have been blogging all school year.  Check out their blogs at